Dinpro amaron battery image
Amara Raja Batteries' AMARON brand is one of the top automotive battery manufacturers in India. The patented SilvenX alloy is only found in AMARON batteries. Din Pro is an authorized AMARON battery supplier in Malaysia. We have carried a full line of AMARON battery Kuala Lumpur and have seen unusually low warranty rates on these batteries. Despite being more expensive than other brands in our lineup, customers who have used AMARON have praised its dependability and durability long after the expired warranty period.

Fast AMARON Battery Delivery

We provide AMARON battery delivery in Klang Valley, Selangor, Ipoh, and Penang. The AMARON battery delivery service will arrive within 30 minutes*. As such, Din Pro's team is dedicated to providing clients with successful techniques, quick fixes, helpful advice, and after-sales service care, whether online or in-store. If you are looking for a trusted AMARON battery supplier, you’ve come to the right place.

Why AMARON Battery?

SilvenX Alloy technology is patented to ensure the longest battery life
Tolerance to high temperatures
Developed to withstand a warmer climate in a tropical country.
Corrosion Reduction
Silver Plate Technology, which is patented, reduces corrosion in your car battery
Minimal Maintenance
There is no upkeep. There is no need for top-ups or other maintenance.
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